

2013. I'm getting older.

2012 is definitely a year to remember. The year I successfully prevented myself from getting involve with syok sendiri, usha mamat macho kind of things.I suck at remembering things and I don't have a diary. I just remember the ultra-memorable moments though
  • Joined SEED Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia. We went into the village of indigenous people.
  • Joined SEED Bandung, Indonesia and helped the villagers from a high land in Bandung.
  • Thanks to SEED Gua Musang, I gained friends from Vietnam and Thailand.
  • Thanks to SEED Bandung, I gained friends from Indonesia, Philippine, and Switzerland.
Basically, most of the sweet, new, awesome memories are from the two SEED programs. I'm looking forward for 2013 SEED, if only there is a place for me. Old women are always neglected :(

p/s: what is SEED? SEED stands for Social Entrepreneurship for Economic Development. It's established by Asean Learning Network. If I'm not mistaken, the pioneers for this program are University of St. Gallen (Swiss), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Banking Univerisiy of HCM City (Vietnam). Recently, Unimap and UTM from Malaysia have join this program. As well as IREM (Vietnam) and La Salle University (Philippine)